Viola Guidelines
Fluent Memory
Rhythmic Integrity
Accurate Pitch
Beautiful Tone
Appropriate Dynamics
Both list I and II contain the graduation requirements for all levels. List I contains the more objective aspects of a performance and List II contains the more subjective aspects. The levels of graduation require increasing skill in all requirements, particularly those in List II.
It is the teacher’s decision when a student’s recording meets the requirements. A recording should not be send that has memory stumbles, wrong notes or lack of a steady tempo. If the student has major problems in these areas then continue to work on the piece and submit it at a later date.
Recordings can include accompaniment, at the teacher’s discretion. If using a recorded track, it should not include the viola in the background.
2022 Viola Grad Standards update (printable checklist for teachers and parents)
Viola Level I: Gossec Gavotte (Book 1)
The ability to keep a steady beat while playing the variety of note values that are present in this Gavotte is a challenge to many students so specific attention should be given to this.
Requirements: List I and II with special focus on List I
Student Level: Student should be beginning Book 3 or beyond.
- Staccato bow stroke at beginning.
- Clarity of string crossings with clean grace notes.
- Intonation of the F# in measure 7.
- Clarity of intonation B natural to f natural in measure 15.
- Intonation and articulation of the F# to F natural without a slide in measure 20.
- Clear articulation of the 16th notes in measures 25, 27, 29, 30, and 31 especially when slurring from the G to C string.
- The pizzicato in tempo.
Viola Level II: Bach Bourrée (Book 3)
A student making a recording for this level should have more highly developed skills from list II than would be expected from graduation Level 1.
Requirements: List I and II
Student Level: Student should be in Book 4 or beyond.
- Chords at the beginning should have clear intonation and all notes sounding with ringing tones in measure 2 & 4.
- Accurate intonation of G#’s in measure 10, 12, 13, & 15.
- Accurate intonation of the high F natural in 2nd position in measures 19.
- Careful, accurate intonation in the minor section (Bourrée II).
- Clean string crossings and bow articulation throughout the whole piece.
Viola Level III: Telemann Concerto in G major, 2nd Movement (Book 4)
Increased sophistication of tone, dynamics, and phrasing.
Requirements: List I and II and increased sophistication of tone, phrasing, dynamics and vibrato (if vibrato has been taught at this point).
Student Level: Student should be in Book 5 or beyond.
- Even rhythm in the string crossings in measure 15.
- Rich tone and accurate chords in measures 19 and 25.
- Accurate intonation in measures 33-36, especially measure 36.
- Clean, even string crossings in measure 45-46.
- Accuracy of intonation in measures 53-54 and 57-58.
- Steady tempo and careful intonation in measures 60-64.
Viola Level IV: Seitz Concerto No. 3 in C minor (Book 5)
This piece is extensive in its difficulties – C minor key, chords, advanced shifting, more treble clef, and expanded string crossings.
Requirements: List I and II with special attention to steady rhythm and intonation.
Student Level: Student should be in Book 6 or beyond.
- Lots of intonation issues – especially watch for clean, matching of pitches when changing fingers e.g. in measure 13.
- Accurate rhythm with grace notes in measure 32.
- In measure 34 chords – careful B natural following low 1st finger.
- Careful intonation and shifting in measure 39-43 followed by clean arpeggios.
- Make sure the 3rds are in tune in measure 47.
- In measure 73 make sure the up-bow passage is clean and articulate.
- In measure 76 be sure the D natural on beat 3 is in tune following the C flat passage.
- Careful intonation in the chords and high shifting in measures 88-97.
Viola Level V: Bach Concerto in C Minor, 1st Movement (Book 6)
This piece is similar to the Seitz C Minor Concerto in the complexity of the key, chords, shifting, and use of treble clef.
Requirements: List I and II and increased sophistication of tone, phrasing, dynamics and vibrato.
Student Level: Student should be in Book 7 or beyond.
- Play with lots of energy and full rich tones.
- Open chord with low E flat to set tonality for the whole piece.
- Accuracy of intonation in 2nd position in measure 24.
- Shifting accuracy in measures 34-35.
- Careful intonation with accurate shifting in measures 38-44.
- Chord with beautiful tone in measure 47.
- Careful intonation in measures 60-65.
- Intonation in measures 128-137.
Viola Level VI: Handel Concerto in B Minor, 1st Movement (Book 7)
This piece is a staple of the viola concerto repertoire. It deals with more extensive sophisticated playing and technique in the left and right hands and includes many arpeggios.
Requirements: List I and II and increased sophistication of tone, phrasing, dynamics and vibrato.
Student Level: Student should be in Book 8 or beyond.
- Clean string crossings.
- Intonation in 4th position in measure 26 and 45.
- Arpeggios in measures 38-39 and 68-69.
Viola Level VII: Bruch Romanze (Book 8)
This piece is a showcase of all the elements of sophisticated playing with expressive playing and shifting, rubatoes, and skilled, expressive bowings.
Requirements: List I and II and increased sophistication of tone, phrasing, dynamics and vibrato.
Student Level: Student should be in Book 9 or beyond.
- Intonation on chords in measures 32-35.
- Stringendo passage: accuracy of chords and runs in measure 58-68.
- Chords in measures 93-95.
- Careful intonation on fifths across strings in measures 50-57.
Viola Level VIII: Schubert Arpeggione, 1st Movement
This piece is in the classical genre. It is very expressive and requires a more involved left-hand technique, especially in the extended arpeggio passages, ornamentation, and high shifts. Accompaniment is encouraged but not required.
Requirements: List I and II and increased sophistication of tone, phrasing, dynamics and vibrato.
Student Level: Student should be beyond the Suzuki books.
- Opening with a warm, rich sound.
- Expressive ornamentation in measure 22.
- Bow articulation with slurs or separate bows which occurs often including in measure 53.
- Option of high octave in measure 114.
- Use of two-note slurs with stress on the first note in measure 144.
- Use of four-note expressive gestures leaning on the 3rd note in measure 140.
- Final arpeggio with high harmonic in measure 200.